The Department of Mathematics was established in 1397H-1977 within the departments of the College of Education as a branch of King Saud University in Abha. After the Supreme Decree No. 7/78/M dated 11-03-1419H establishing King Khalid University, the Department of Mathematics became part of the College of Science.
The Department of Mathematics awards Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Mathematics as well as two fee-based Master programs in Financial Mathematics and in Applied Statistics and Data Science. The department works to develop specific programs in line with the KKU’s strategy and the Strategic Plan for the Development of Asir Province.
The Department comprises an elite group of distinguished academic and research faculty members from various schools and disciplines.
Excellence in teaching, learning, and research to advance knowledge in various fields of mathematical sciences and its applications. contributing to community service and sustainable development.
A distinguished academic environment investing its various mathematical and statistical capabilities, pursuing the needs of the community scientifically, technically, and educationally.
1. Distinguished outputs pursuing the national needs that contribute to building people, society, and the economy considering the Kingdom's vision 2030.
2. Promote Mathematics and its discoveries in the Kingdom.
3. Provide distinguished accredited academic programs with international standards.
4. Perform widely recognized research in various areas of mathematics and statistics and their applications.
5. Promote interdisciplinary research and academic programs in collaboration with industries and other research institutes in and outside Saudi Arabia.
6. Sharpen abilities in quantitative and logical reasoning needed for informed citizenship and productive employment.

برامج القسم
المزيد ...Provide professional preparations, involving the use of data analysis to identify appropriate strategies in various real-life problems and statistical methodology to develop data-driven solutions…
Enhance the use of mathematical and statistical methods in formulating the best business and economic strategies, to help companies, build appropriate financial strategies, to predict the…
Graduating students possessing thorough understanding of mathematical concepts, theories, research, and recent developments of mathematics by providing an integrated academic environment and…
Graduating students possessing thorough understanding of mathematical concepts, theories, research, and recent developments of mathematics by providing an integrated academic environment and…
Qualifying graduates with knowledge and skills in mathematics and their applications to contribute to the service of society and achieving sustainable development.
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