Bachelor of Science in Physics

 Providing high-quality education in physics and its applications to make constructive contributions to serving society towards achieving sustainable development.

Admission requirements

1- The applicant must be a Saudi national or a Saudi mother.

2- If the applicant is of a Saudi mother, he must send proof of that (the mother’s national identity - a copy of the birth certificate - family card) to the following email

3- Obtaining a national identity.

4- The applicant must not have been dismissed academically or disciplinary from the university or from any other Saudi university.

5- No more than five years have passed since the date of obtaining the general secondary certificate, bearing in mind that priority for admission is given to graduates of the most recent year.

Graduation requirements

1- The student graduates after successfully completing all subjects of the study plan, provided that his cumulative GPA is not less than (2-5).

2- In the event that his GPA is lower, the College Council may based on the recommendation of the relevant department council, specify suitable courses for the student to study to raise his cumulative GPA.

Program Informations


Provide excellence in higher education and scientific research in physics, preparing highly qualified graduates who contribute to community service and sustainable development in the job market.



1.    Contributing to national development plans and the objectives of Vision 2030
2.    Providing a motivating academic environment for education, learning, and research in the field of Physics.
3.    Developing graduates' skills for job market requirements and to achieve sustainable development.
4.    Equipping students with a solid background in Physics concepts and skills required to excel in postgraduate studies. 
5.    Performing basic and applied research for the development of the Kingdom according to Vision 2030.
6.    Emphasizing the importance of Physics in knowledge and research for the development of society.


Characteristics of the graduates:

1.    Commitment to Islamic values and national identity.
2.    A profound and comprehensive understanding of Physics concepts 
3.    Continuous self-improvement through learning and application of knowledge and skills acquired.
4.    Experience in problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making.
5.    Aptitude in effective communication, initiative, teamwork, and leadership.
6.    Engagement in citizenship duties and community services. 

Learning Outcomes:                                                                                                                       


1.    Explain scientific facts, and concepts in physics and related sciences.
2.    Describe scientific abilities and methods, including experimental design and data analysis.
3.    Explain a deep understanding of the fundamental principles of physics and their applications to real-world problems
4.    Outline thinking and research skills with scientific methodology


1.    Apply physics concepts and theories to analyze, assess, and interpret scientific data
2.    Develop the ability to self-learn and acquire skills in e-learning, as well as effective communication skills
3.    Demonstrate independence and teamwork skills, as well as leadership abilities
4.    Design, develop, and implement physics solutions using mathematical and experimental tools


1.    Collaborate effectively with others to participate in national strategies, address community issues, and volunteer
2.    Practice constructive criticism, self-evaluation, and continuous learning
3.    Participate effectively to perform tasks.
4.    Act ethically and professionally, taking initiative and responsibility

Study Plan

Study Plan for the Bachelor of Science program in Physics

Program specification

Program specification for Bachelor of Science in Physics

BSc Handbook

BSc Handbook