

Service description: A system for administrative communications through which incoming and outgoing transactions for the university are established and facilitates the process of following up, managing and exchanging transactions between departments and employees in a completely digital way.

- The entity providing the service: Documents and Archives Center

- Target segments: Faculty members - Employees


Electronic forms

Service that helps in making questionnaires, studies and collecting information in an easy way that replaces paper forms


KKUin Service

Service description: Reliable social networking platform that brings together all university members with their real names.

- Service Provider: General Administration of Information Technology

Target segments: All university members

- Service link:


Discussing the media committee's work plan and the latest developments on the college's new website

An extension to evaluate the performance of college units and committees. Today, the second meeting was held with the central media committee of the college, headed by the dean of the college and its deputies, to discuss the committee's work plan and the latest developments on the college's new website.