Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry

The Chemistry department aims to graduate distinguished bachelor's and master's graduates and provide them with the skills that qualify them to work in various disciplines and fields

Admission Requirements

1. The applicant must be a Saudi or an official graduate grant if a non-Saudi

2. Holds a Master’s of Science degree in chemistry or related topics from a Saudi university or a foreign recognized college or university with a grade “very good” or GPA = 3.75/5 or equivalent.

3. The College may accept “high good” and “good” grades, but the student average grade should not less than very good in the major field courses which the student intends to enroll in it.

4. Pass the GRE – subject (chemistry) with a minimum average of 50% or the admission tests determined by the department and the college.

5. The applicant should have at least an average of 70% (Master average (50%) + GRE (50%)). The Deanship of Graduate Studies has the authority to reduce this percentage to 60% in some cases.

6. To pass one of the following English language tests:

• IBT-TOEFL with a score of 59

• IELTS with a score of 5.5

• SEPT with a score of 80

7. To be a good conduct and medically fit.

8. To submit tow scientific recommendations from university professors who have already taught him.

9. Referential approval for the study from the employer if in employment.

10. The university and/or the college may add any other conditions that seem necessary for admission.

11. Payment of the tuition fees, if prescribed, before the start of the study and on the dates determined by the Deanship of Graduate Studies.

Admission Requirements

The completion of the PhD degree requires achieving the following three items:                              
1- Coursework: Successful completion of graduate-level coursework, as outlined in the approved Plan of Study. 
2- Candidacy examinations:                                                                                                              
a- Comprehensive Examinations: Passing at least four exams within first four semesters.                             
b- Passing an oral preliminary exam: The oral examination by the student's advisory committee will include a discussion of the student's research (a written research summary must be submitted) and defense of an Original Research Proposal that is different from the student's thesis.                                                                                                                       
3- Ph.D Dissertation submission and defense.                                                           

Graduation Requirements

The completion of the PhD degree requires achieving the following three items:

1. Coursework: Successful completion of graduate-level coursework, as outlined in the approved Plan of Study.

2. Candidacy examinations

a. Comprehensive Examinations: Passing at least four exams within first four semesters.

 b. Passing an oral preliminary exam: The oral examination by the student's advisory committee will include a discussion of the student's research (a written research summary must be submitted) and defense of an Original Research Proposal that is different from the student's thesis.

3. Ph.D. dissertation submission and defense.

Program Information

To provide professional academicians and researchers possessing in-depth knowledge, researching ability, and technical capabilities to make positive impact through strategically managing risks associated with different chemistry divisions. 

1. To preparation of qualified cadres in the field of university teaching, scientific research, and its applications.
2. To preparation of research projects aimed at addressing the relevant issues of society.
3. To support scientific competencies for creativity and innovation.
4. To enrich scientific publishing in applied and developmental chemical research.
5. To encourage students from inside and outside the Kingdom to join the program.


Study Plan

Study Plan for the PhD program in Chemistry

Program Specification

Program Specification for the PhD program in Chemistry

Program Handbook

Handbook for the Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry

PhD Theses

Ph.D. theses discussed for the academic year 1445-2024