Dr. Halima Ibrahim Al-Saeedi: Associate Professor of Experimental Solid-state Physics - Third price for the King Khalid University Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research, Faculty Member Branch - 1443
Dr. Halima Ibrahim Al-Saeedi obtained a bachelor’s degree from the College of Education for Girls in Jeddah, scientific departments, specializing in physics in 1419 AH, then she obtained a master’s degree from the College of Education for Girls in Jeddah, specializing in experimental solid-state physics in 1427 AH, then she obtained a doctorate degree from King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, specializing in experimental solid-state physics in 1434 AH.
She graduated in academic degrees until she was appointed Associate Professor in the Department of Physics at the College of Science at King Khalid University in Abha. And she held many scientific and administrative positions, the most prominent of which are: Dean of the College of Science for Girls at King Khalid University, Vice Dean for Student Affairs at the College of Science for Girls, King Khalid University, Vice Dean of the College of Administration and Economics in Abha - King Khalid University, Head of the Department of Physics for Girls at King Khalid University for several courses.
She worked in many committees, scientific councils, and Saudi societies, and participated in many courses, seminars, and conferences inside the Kingdom.
It has more than 40 scientific research published in distinguished scientific journals.
Member of the Board of Directors of the National Development Association in Abha and the financial officer of the association for the current session. She has membership in many women's associations in the region. An accredited member of the National Center for E-learning and Distance Education. A professional trainer at the Teacher Academy for Training and Consultation.
Member of the GOOSTA International Office of Senior Trainers Academy.
A trainer in the field of self-development, time management, creative thinking, promotion of academic values and skills, and academic advising. She has provided a large number of courses in this field inside and outside the university.
Obtained the Excellence Award for e-learning allocated to the national program for open educational content for faculty members, a branch produced for the year 1439 AH.
Won third place for the King Khalid University Award for Excellence; Excellence in scientific research branch of the faculty member for scientific disciplines for the year 1443 AH.